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Discord Community

En Soul Legendary tenemos una comunidad de Discord donde se colocan todos los Updates, Novedades y pueden interactuar todos los jugadores. Para acceder, entra en el siguiente enlace dando click aquí.

At Soul Legendary, we have a Discord community where all the Updates and News are posted, and you can interact with all the players. To access, enter the following link by clicking here.

Roulette System

Disponemos de un Sistema de Ruleta en el piso superior del Templo de Thais, donde usando 10 Gold Token, podras probar suerte y conseguir increibles recompensas, para mirar el funcionamiento da click Aquí.

We have a Roulette System on the upper floor of the Temple of Thais, where using 10 Gold Token, you can try your luck and get incredible rewards, to see how it works click here.

Wheel Of Destiny

La Wheel of Destiny también la hemos actualizado, no podiamos dejar esta mejora tan significativa como los presets por fuera! por lo que ahora los jugadores podrán tener distintas configuraciones listas en la Wheel y con solo ir a un templo, cambiar rapidamente sin perder mucho tiempo asignando los puntos desde cero. un ejemplo: Aquí.

We have also updated the Wheel of Destiny, we couldn't leave this improvement as significant as the presets out! so now players will be able to have different configurations ready on the Wheel and just by going to a temple, change quickly without wasting a lot of time assigning points from scratch. an example: Here.

Fast Attack

Disponemos de un sistema que aumenta la velocidad de ataque que va ligado al valor del Skill Fist, mientras mas elevado tengas el skill Fist, mas rapido vas a dar cada golpe.

We have a system that increases the attack speed that is linked to the value of the Fist Skill, the higher the Fist skill you have, the faster you will deliver each hit.

Item Pouch

EL Item Pouch es un rework del Gold Pouch que servía para guardar todo el oro que quieras mientras la capacidad te lo permitíera, en Soul Legendary, servirá para almacenar todo el loot que puedas y asi ya no tendrás que preocuparte mas por tener muchos backpacks encima.

The Item Pouch is a rework of the Gold pouch that was used to store all the gold you want as long as the capacity allows it, in Soul Legendary, it will serve to store all the loot you You can and this way you don't have to worry anymore about having many backpacks on you.

Supreme Cube

El Supreme Cube, te permite teletransportarte a cualquier templo siempre y cuando no tengas PZ, es un objeto muy valioso que no puedes pasar por alto.

The Supreme Cube allows you to teleport to any temple as long as you don't have PZ, it is a very valuable item that you cannot ignore.

Server Information
Welcome to our newest player: Maski
We have 763 accounts in our database, 1059 players, and 0 guilds
The best player is:

Java level: 3111 congratulations!

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Soul Legendary.

IP:  Port: 7171  Server Type: Open PvP

Descripción del Servidor:

Bienvenidos a Soul Legendary, ultimas actualizaciones, eventos, quests, entre otros.

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19 June 2024 (00:53) by [GOD] Soul - Accursed Ritual

¡Bienvenidos al emocionante evento "Accursed Ritual" en nuestro servidor!

Este evento es una adición totalmente novedosa que llevará tus habilidades al límite. Enfrentarás oleadas de monstruos cada vez más desafiantes hasta llegar a la ronda final, donde te encontrarás cara a cara con un Boss de categoría "Tormented". Actualmente, existen 10 Bosses "Tormented" diferentes que pondrán a prueba tu destreza y estrategia.

Al derrotar a uno de estos imponentes Bosses "Tormented", recibirás una recompensa de 50% de experiencia, suficiente para subir 1 nivel. Además, tendrás la oportunidad de obtener la preciada "Soul of Bakragore", un ítem esencial para craftear los codiciados ítems Grand Sanguine, entre otras recompensas exclusivas.

Prepárate para demostrar tu valía y reclamar las increíbles recompensas que esperan en el "Accursed Ritual". ¡No te lo pierdas!

19 June 2024 (00:08) by [GOD] Soul - Into The SoulPit

limbing the final Snowy steps, I was greeted by a gigantic skull, its hollow eyes

and gaping jaw frozen in a silent roar. The words of the hooded man in Frodo's
tavern yesterday still echoed through my mind: "Are you a master or merely a

He had approached me after hearing me boast about my latest dragon-killing spree. "This is a soul core," he had said as he handed me the crystalline object I was now holding in my hand, its depths seemingly trapping the spirit of a dragon. "There is a secluded place in the North, off the beaten path, where daredevils can discover if they are truly supreme hunters of their quarry. So, what do you say?"

Upon entering the gaping maw, I caught sight of a group of adventurers disappearing through an obelisk. "So this is it," I muttered to myself, "the Soulpit. I say, bring it on!"

The Soulpit is a new opportunity to find out if you truly dominate creatures from the Tibian lands

Defeating the final adversary unlocks the creature's Animus Mastery for all participants present at the time of its death. For this creature, Animus Mastery permanently grants 3% more experience.

Defeating the final adversary unlocks the creature's Animus Mastery for all participants present at the time of its death. For this creature, Animus Mastery permanently grants 3% more experience.

To find out how many creatures you have unlocked in the soulpit, you can use the command "!soulpit", the ones that appear on the screen will give you 3% more experience.

You can obtain soul cores by using "exalted cores" on the soulpit lever, so you can randomly obtain a soulcore among all those that exist.

03 December 2023 (07:43) by [GOD] Soul -

Celebrate the Christmas spirit on the Soul server! 🎁✨ From 01/12/23 to 01/01/24, each donation brings with it a special touch of magic. Take advantage of this unique offer and make your generosity shine brighter than ever! 🌟 #ChristmasSoulOffer

15 September 2023 (23:50) by [GOD] Soul - Latest news

Soul Legendary Real Map Custom 13.20!

Update 13

What can you find on Soul ?

Dedicated server with 600mbits Internet Connection.
Discord Community: We have a discord community where you can contact technical support and report what you want, make suggestions or report bugs.    

The Rotten Blood Quest including outfits for killing Bakragore, the bosses have mechanics.
Increase the difficulty of Bakragore if you use the essences of mini bosses: Chagorz, Murcion, Vemiath, Ichgahal
More Features:

All Items Sanguine and Grand Sanguine
Supreme Cupe - Takes you to the city you want
Wheel of Destiny - Allows you to save different settings and change them in any temple
Forge Exaltation
Full Cyclopedia
Boss Tracker
Hazard System
Bestiary & Charms
New Summons Skins
Prey System
Daily Reward and Daily Exercise weapons reward using command !Gift
Task System using command !Task
New Mounts & Outfits
Soul War Quest
Dream Courts Quest
Sound Spells and Monsters
Zone teleports Hunt
Zone teleport Bosses
Fast attack by fist skill, the more fist you have, the faster you attack
Roulette System: is located in Temple Thais

Boss Tracker:

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